Everyday heroines

depiction of a woman and thought bubbles symbolizing the problems of everyday life and the compatibility of family and work.

In the inspiring project “Nine to Five” - Heroines of Everyday Life, around 100 participants and teachers of the Musaik Orchestra explore gender equality together through the power of music. The children and young people play their favorite songs, film scores and other pieces on the theme. In addition to the big performance in the central library in the Kulturpalast, there will be further performances, e.g. at the Prohlis autumn festival and a “city music tour” in Dresden's old town.

schematic representation of a woman in a business outfit whose shadow looks like a superheroine

15.09.2024, 14.00 Uhr

Interkulturelles Bürgerfest Prohlis

Performance by the “red” Musaik string group (advanced beginners between 8 - 12 years)


Free entry

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Prohlis Center, Vorplatz; Prohliser Allee 10, 01239 Dresden

15.09.2024, 15.00 Uhr

 Opening of the Interkulturelle Tage Dresden

 Performance by the “blue” Musaik string group (advanced children from 9 years)


Free entry

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Neues Rathaus, 01067 Dresden

22.09.2024, 16.00 Uhr

 Benefit concert for Musaik at the 10th Dresden Choir Meeting

Performance by the “red” Musaik string group (advanced beginners between 8 - 12 years)


Free admission! Donations are requested!

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Theaterruine St. Pauli, Königsbrücker Platz 1a, 01097 Dresden

28.09.2024, 10.00 Uhr - 13.00 Uhr

Musaik - street music tour

Performance by the “blue” Musaik string group

(advanced children from 9 years)


Free entry

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Dresdner Altstadt, 01067 Dresden

28.09.2024, 15.30 Uhr

Concert as part of the 34th Interkulturelle Tage Dresden

Performance with the “green/blue” string group

(beginners and advanced)


Free entry

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Zentralbibliothek im Kulturpalast | 2. OG - Schloßstraße 2, 01067 Dresden
